Administration of Justice Certificate of Achievement

Program Description

The Administration of Justice certificate is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in a wide range of law enforcement services, including the courts, corrections, law enforcement, and private security.

The pathway below represents an efficient and effective course taking sequence for this program.  Individual circumstances might require some changes to this pathway.  It is always recommended that you meet with an academic counselor to develop a personalized educational plan.


Social Sciences, Human Development, Kinesiology & Health


Administration of Justice

Career and Academic Pathway (CAP)

Public Service, Culture, Society

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply knowledge and skills required in securing and maintaining employment.

  2. Analyze the interrelations between the courts, law enforcement, and corrections.

  3. Demonstrate the sequence of events necessary in determining admissibility or suppression of evidence.

  4. Demonstrate analysis of basic legal definitions of criminal law.

  5. Develop a world view that values why law enforcement is necessary in diverse populations and societies.

Program Map

GE General Education
O Available Online
Program Requirement
P Program Prerequisites

1st Semester

12 units

2nd Semester

9 units